Buch des Monats


Unser Atelier-Buch* des Monats: «Spells — A Compendium of the Most Powerful AI Image Prompts» von Maximilian Kuwertz

250 qualitativ hochwertige Prompts von über 50 führenden KI-Künstlern aus den Bereichen Fotografie, Design, Kunst, Mode und Architektur.

«Artificial Intelligence is arguably the most relevant tool of our time when it comes to creating images. Everyone has seen images made with Image-generative AI, yet only a few have mastered it. Creatives often invest significant effort in crafting their prompts, and as a result, these prompts are typically kept a secret. This practice can make it challenging for others to understand how prompting actually works.

Spells aims to change this by offering 250 high-value prompts from 56 leading artists across various disciplines. The aim is to enhance individuals’ skills and knowledge in AI image creation by demonstrating various prompting styles and techniques, thereby encouraging them to effectively learn and create their own AI-assisted work.

Spells democratizes the art of visual creation with Artificial Intelligence, offering both inspiration and practical guidance in the fields of photography, design, art, fashion, and architecture.» (spells.xxx)

© Maximilian Kuwertz, Berlin, 2024

ISBN: n/a

*Monatlich wird vom Bodara-Team ein Buch für die Atelier-Bibliothek vorgeschlagen.