Buch des Monats


Unser Atelier-Buch* des Monats: «In Search of a Language. A Journey into Peter Märkli’s Imaginary.» von Giorgio Azzariti

272 Seiten, 230 × 300 mm

«To enter Peter Märkli’s imaginary we cannot follow a linear path. We could try to look back chronologically to the various stages that have marked his formation: the meeting with the architect Rudolf Olgiati, the years spent at Zurich’s ETH, the strong bond with the sculptor Hans Josephsohn. 

‹In Search of a Language› reads the work of Peter Märkli in the light of the heritage of his artistic fathers, continually rediscovered – both in his architecture and in his drawings – through an unceasing research trying to grasp the essence.» (https://tinyurl.com/y6kgtf3f)

© Association Editions Cosa Mentale, Marseille, 2019

ISBN: 978-2-49103-9-004

*Monatlich wird vom Bodara-Team ein Buch für die Atelier-Bibliothek vorgeschlagen und bei der Buchhandlung im Volkshaus (Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich) gekauft.